Telehealth Introduction

This course is the first part of "Telehealth fundamentals" specialization (4 courses)

Что будет

Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to introduce and give an overview of Telehealth, its implementation on both international and public levels, and the perspective of its future development. Students will learn about the history of Telehealth and clinical applications, as well as key Telehealth components, terms, and concepts.    

Authors ans speakers:
Stanislav Otstavnov, Mikhailova Anastasiia, Nikita Otstavnov

For whom this course
Healthcare workers. The content of the course can be useful for both novel and experienced healthcare workers

Course describtion:
It gives an overview of the development trends of healthcare, introduces the theory of telehealth, and gives an opportunity to glance into practical aspects (process, implementation, regulations, development) of telehealth (which will be further elaborated in details during related courses)  and internet usage for diagnostics and epidemiology. A variety of real-life cases are used in the course. This course is competitively advantageous since it covers all of the main topics related to Telehealth and provides a knowledge base for further training.

01 Декабря 2022 - 31 Декабря 2025 Место проведения: Online Язык: Английский Тип участия: Платное

О нас

Личный кабинет участников образовательных мероприятий.

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